Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cancer Health Resources Nutrition Treatments Options Natural Health Support

Cancer Health Resources Nutrition Treatments Options Natural Health Support

List of supplements, remedies, Advice that might help:
Neck, Base of Tongue, and Tonsils, health resources, to use during and after your cancer treatment

by A. M.

1. Aloe Vera Juice: You can find this at Whole Foods. I get "Lillie of the Desert" brand because it only has one other ingredient that is a stabilizer: citric acid. I try to stay away from preservatives as much as possible. Aloe Vera is great for the whole digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. You can gargle with it to get immediate results. It's good for taking care of the digestive tract as most of the immune system is located there. This is important because you are absorbing nutrients here. Regardless of where you are receiving radiation treatment it will be processed by the digestive system and destroy some of the "good" bacteria and flora in the digestive system. Aloe helps protect this. You can get Aloe Gel too to rub on the part of your body where you receive radiation in order to stop dryness.

2. Baking Soda: I get "Bob's Red Mill" brand also at Whole Foods in the baking supply section. I get this brand because I know, for sure, that it does not contain aluminum as other brands do. You can mix a teaspoon of this with water to gargle with. This will sterilize your mouth and throat. It will raise the Ph level in your mouth/throat, sterilize any soars in the mouth or prevent them altogether. Also, when you gargle keep it in your mouth for a while to get the full benefit.

3. Vitamin C: I don't think I need to say much about this. This helps your immune system fight off infections, detoxify cells. I get esther-C from Costco. It fights cancer as well. If you have trouble swallowing pills, you can get it in powdered form as well. I take between 10,000 to 15,000 mg's a day, spread out.

4. Turmeric: This is an aryuvedic herb, spice that is good for general detoxification especially of the liver. You can take a LOT of this, even to the point of turning yellow. You CAN NOT overdose on this. It helps against metastasis. Good brands are New Chapter, Organic India.

5. Proteolytic enzymes: These include pancreatic enzymes. These help digest not only food in order to get vital nutrients (because ALL cancer patients have a problem with digestion/absorption), but also to detoxify debris from tumors.

6. essiac tea: This is a highly regarded tea for fighting cancer. You can get this at a health food store, but I don't recommend it because it's too expensive to be worth it. I get it from this website: . You have to prepare it yourself, but it is well worth it. I highly recommend this throughout treatment and after indefinitely. Follow directions carefully!

7. Vitamin D-3: More and more research is coming out all the time about the very powerful preventative and treatment of cancer with Vitamin D-3. The catch with this is that you can not supplement with vitamin A at the same time as it blocks the effects of vitamin D. It is better to get vitamin A from colorful fruits and vegetables.

8. Water: Stay hydrated! This seems obvious, but I find most people don't like to drink plain water. Make sure that it is filtered from chlorine etc. It's much better than buying water in plastic bottles. It is crucial to increase water intake in order to help with all bodily processes and to detoxify cells, tumor debris etc. Absolutely no soft drinks, especially diet soft drinks (nutrisweet is a cancer fertilizer). Although you might love coffee (I do!), it's highly discouraged because it dehydrates you and also drains minerals from your body which you need so much especially at this time. Green tea is great, any herbal tea that is good for the throat like red clover. No black tea because it dehydrates.

9. Soup: Soups are obviously easier for you to eat and digest. You can find no end to healthy recipes available on the internet.

10. Smoothies: If you find yourself discouraged from eating from pain of soars in the mouth/throat, smoothies are highly recommended. Whey protein is very beneficial for fighting cancer. It has been found, besides giving all essential amino acids, that it raises glutathione levels in healthy cells (protecting them from radiation) and depletes it in cancerous cells (making them more susceptible to radiation/hyperthermia treatment). You can add nut butters, blueberries, bananas, raw plain cocoa powder (no sugar), flax seed oil or hemp seed oil. This will give you energy and prevent weakness which not only affect you physiologically but emotionally. Even if you are eating relatively ok, I still suggest taking the whey protein to protect your body generally from the treatment.

11. Juicing: This is an excellent way to get nutrients your body is lacking and much easier than eating the same amount through chewing. Carrots, spinach, beets are at the top of the list for me. Greens are important too. You can get a decent juicer at costco. Like a Jack Lalain juicer.

12. Exercise: Walking is excellent. Especially out in nature or just a nice day. I walk in the evening for about an hour or hour and a half. Or it can be something you enjoy like tennis. This obviously helps to detoxify the body, but increases your sense of well-being. I would make this mandatory for the rest of your life! Side note: you may like swimming, but it is better to stay away from the chlorine in swimming pools. The ocean is much better relatively speaking.

13. Organic whole foods: Not the store, necessarily. I mean eat foods that are not processed. It means, to the best of your ability, get organically grown foods because non-organic foods more likely contain pesticides and/or are genetically modified. There is what is called a body burden or how much chemicals are accumulated in the body that do not come out. You can think of the body as a barrel that is being filled with these chemicals. When the barrel overflows the organs of detoxification (liver, kidneys) can not process efficiently and thus you are susceptible to disease. You are trying to help your body by eating things that are easily digestible which are whole organic foods that contain the nutrients and enzymes you need. They also help take out these chemicals that have been accumulated.

14. Relax: This is also very very important. Find a way to induce the relaxation response. You already know what the stress response and what it can cause/contribute to. The relaxation response induces healing. If you are open to meditation, yoga, praying, etc., do it! Laugh a lot, watch comedy movies, etc. Forget yourself in an enjoyable fashion everyday!

We will add three more very effective suggestions from another graduated patient:

15. Use coconut paste (oil) to lubricate throat before and after treatment. It avoids a dry throat after the low-radiation treatment

16. Drink lemon water! just add a few drops of lemon in you drinking water bottle. I makes water alkaline and also helps to avoid having a dry throat. Drink this lemon water throat out the day.

17. Try to drink alkaline water, with a pH of about 8.0. You can consider to buy an Alkaline Water machine

General Diet/Nutrition Suggestions

This article is a copy from one of our blogs, in answer to a nutrition suggestions:

"Hi, thank you so much for your reply above about your treatment being very good for tonsil cancer metastasis to the lymph node.

I have a different question: I see a lot of great info on your site about hyperthermia and low-dose radiation; what about nutrition? What nutritional treatments do you give and is this included in the price of an individual’s treatment? I’m asking more and more questions now that I’m gravitating toward your institution!!"

A. M.,

I will tell you my personal experience regarding nutrition, as well a personal research I did over 20 years talking to patients at our clinic.

“Is not much what you eat, but what you don’t eat!” All diets are good; some work for certain people and others for different people, because we all are different!

But this is the million dollars question and answer!

What is tho only common thing on ALL diets?

That all of them eliminate junk food! As simple as that!

If you watch our video testimonies,,
when I interview those patients, they all told me they did not follow any special diet, but they eliminated sugars, because cancer cells feed on sugar (junk food #1).

They also said “I just to eat well” what ever that means for each one of them, “I try to cut on dairies” (other not too good food, believe it or not!)

They also said “I exercise, do my walks, go to the gym, run, to the beach (we are just 4 miles from the beach), and drink a lot of water.

I can also tell you that the three women with breast cnacer who turned into a raw food diet, got cured!

I’m my self vegetarian (red meat and too much meat is not advisable either) since I was 19 years old. I became vegan ten years ago, and for the last 2+ years I’m following a raw food diet with my wife; not 100% but a great percentage of green vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, sprouted bread, and the best chocolate deserts in town made by my wife!!!

The benefits of the raw food are just incredible:

- I don’t get sick during the holidays season any longer
- I don’t get sick during flu season either
- have more energy
- look 10 years younger, and probably my body is younger than people who follow the SAD (Standard American Diet)

Summarizing, you have to be and informed person (as you are, because you found us and you are considering this less toxic treatment as an alternative to conventional therapies!) and keep researching for what it is best for you.

We do not recommend any special diet in particular, but we can guide you to local practitioners in the area, like Dr. Dana Churchill, N.M.D., Holistic, Naturopathic, Homeopathic; you can get more information on his web site: I highly recommend Dr Churchill; you can even call him now and he will give you some advice.

Hoping you got some value from this answer, and you make the best decision for you,

Carlos Caridad
Valley Cancer Institute

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faisalnaved said...
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