Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Gmail - FW: Excellent article on Cancer - venkym1@gmail.com

Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins :
1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion.
When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime.

3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumours.
4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors.
5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.
6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.
8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumour size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumour destruction.
9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.
11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.
a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful.
A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in colour. Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.

b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk, cancer cells are being starved.

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts)and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).

e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrefied and leads to more toxic build-up.

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.
14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Florescence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the body's own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, unforgiveness and bitterness put the body into a s stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.
16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.
This is an article that should be sent to anyone important in your life

Take care of your Diet to prevent cancer"

Friday, November 6, 2009

PSA Reading Could Predict Post-Radiation Survival - Cancer Information (Cancers, Symptoms, Treatment) on MedicineNet.com

PSA Reading Could Predict Post-Radiation Survival - Cancer Information (Cancers, Symptoms, Treatment) on MedicineNet.com: "PSA Reading Could Predict Post-Radiation Survival

WEDNESDAY, Nov. 4 (HealthDay News) -- Prostate cancer patients whose prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels rise within 18 months after radiotherapy have an increased risk of death, say U.S. researchers.
Latest Cancer News

* Drug Could Help Treat HER2-Positive Breast Tumors
* Lung Cancer May Be Helped by Focused Radiation
* Lung Cancer Care Delays More Common
* Hormone Therapy Can Help Some With Prostate Cancer
* Radiation After Surgery Lowers Chances of Melanoma
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Their study included more than 2,100 patients with clinically localized prostate cancer who experienced biochemical failure (lowest PSA level plus 2 nanograms per milliliter) after treatment. The median interval between treatment and biochemical failure was 35.2 months, but 19% of patients developed biochemical failure at 18 months or less.

Five-year, cancer-specific survival for patients who developed biochemical failure within 18 months was 69.5%, compared with 89.8% for those who developed biochemical failure more than 18 months after treatment.

The study was to be presented Wednesday at the annual meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology in Chicago.

'PSA is the gold standard for following prostate cancer patients after they receive radiation or surgery. But we haven't known if having PSA rise sooner means a patient has a greater danger of dying of prostate cancer, though it seems logical,' study leader Dr. Mark K. Buyyounouski, a radiation oncologist at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, said in a news release from the center.

'Now we can use the simple criteria from this study, which is widely available for anyone who has PSA testing, to identify men who have a greater than 25% chance of dying from prostate cancer in the next five years. That is huge. There is nothing else that can do that.'

Currently, biochemical failure alone doesn't prompt treatment. Doctors usually wait until a patient's PSA reaches a high level or there is some other evidence of tumor spread.

This study suggests that treatment can begin 'far sooner without waiting for other signs or symptoms of prostate cancer,' Buyyounouski said. 'If a patient has biochemical failure at 16 months, rather than wait and learn later that the PSA is rising sharply and risk the development of distant metastasis, therapy can be started sooner based on the increased risk of death.'

-- Robert Preidt"

Proton Boost May Thwart Prostate Cancer's Return - Cancer Information (Cancers, Symptoms, Treatment) on MedicineNet.com

Proton Boost May Thwart Prostate Cancer's Return - Cancer Information (Cancers, Symptoms, Treatment) on MedicineNet.com

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Health Benefit Of Apricot...Excellent Source Of Antioxidants And Nutrition

Health Benefit Of Apricot...Excellent Source Of Antioxidants And Nutrition: "Health Benefit Of Apricot...An Amazing Fruit Bursting With Antioxidants And Nutrition

apricots, antioxidants

The health benefit of apricot is quite amazing. Not only is it bursting with goodness it is a great favorite for people on a diet.


Well...it provides a large amount of healthful nutrition to the body but it is extremely low in calories compared to other fruits. It is estimated that three apricots provide only 50 calories. And totally fat free too.

Did you know that 2-3 fresh apricots will satisfy nearly 50% of your daily value (RDA) of beta carotene. It is also high in lycopene...a powerful antioxidant....which makes apricots a heart healthy food and help to strenghten the immune system.

Both beta-carotene and lycopene protect LDL (bad) cholesterol from oxidation, which may help prevent heart disease.

What does beta carotene do? Well for starters it is a powerful antioxidant. It also helps the arteries, preventing plaque build up in them. Your eyes will be protected from sun damage and beta carotene deactivates harmful free radicals that, as we all know increases the risk of many diseases including cancer.

Our bodies convert beta carotene to vitamin A. That's good news for your eyes. Not only will it help vision but it will also keep the eyes well lubricated. People who wear contact lens should take note of this and include apricots in their diet.

More health benefit of apricot...they are great for the blood too. They contain significant levels of iron which is essential for hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying pigment in red blood cells. If our bodies are low in iron it can lead to anaemia, pale skin, and even undernourished thinning hair.

Apricots have nutrients that can protect the heart as well as a great source of fibre, which has a host of benefits including preventing constipation and digestive conditions such as diverticulosis(a painful bowel condition which is associated with ageing).

Fresh apricots are an excellent source of Vitamins A, C, E and potassium too.

The health benefit of apricot is even better if you eat them dried. Not only can they be enjoyed all year round, but also they have an even higher concentration of vitamins and nutrients, but a word of warning...they are slightly higher in carbs.

It is believed that apricots are healthier...in some cases...compared to other fruits such as bananas, apples pears and oranges..but the health benefit of apricot is often overlooked in favour of these common fruits.

Dr Mosaraf Ali has written a fantstic book called..Dr Ali's Nutrition Bible...he knows his stuff, he is the UK's leading integrated health specialist. This is what he says about the health benefit of apricot....

'When I spent a few days with a little known tribe in the Himalayas, I wa amazed to see how precious apricots were to them. They believed they gave them longevity (many of the villagers were over 100 years old). The kernel provided fuel for cooking oil, while the flesh of the fruit provided vitamins and minerals (especially zinc and iron) and useful protein. Dried apricots do not attract bacteria because the skin has antibacterial properties, and during the long winter months, dried apricots are a great source of vitamins and minerals. The high fibre content eases bowel movements, and apricot oil has anti-inflammatory properties, both when rubbed into joints or taken internally'

Can Apricots Hold The Key To Curing Cancer?

Finally..Apricots may hold the golden key to curing cancer. Yes it sounds incredible dosen't it? But it really could be possible. Read on....

As we know in the middle of any fresh apricot is a stone. Well inside that stone is a kernel. Apricot kernels are, like most nuts and seeds, very nutritious. Among the nutrients they contain is one called amygdalin,...which is also known as vitamin B17. This attacks cancer cells, thus helping to prevent cancer from breaking out in our bodies.

Amygdalin (vitamin B17) is contained in many hundreds of foods, but ones that are particularly rich in amygdalin have disappeared to a large extent from the Western diet. People throughout the world who still eat a traditional diet, have been found to be largely free from cancer. Yes read that again...largely free from cancer. These diets are rich in foods containing amygdalin.

Learn more about vitamin B17 and just how powerful it is.

If you found this article helpful, join our newsletter."

Nutritive Value in apricot

Nutritive Value in apricot: "Important values in 100 grams of apricot like Arginine, Lysine, Tryptophan, Phenylalanine, Methonine, Crystine, Theonine, Cystine, Threonine, Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine.

apricot - Essential Amino Acids

Appx_total(gm/100 gms) 0
Arginine(mg/gm) 080
Lysine(mg/gm) 100
Tryptophan(mg/gm) 180
Phenylalanine(mg/gm) -
Methonine(mg/gm) 100
Crystine(mg/gm) 080
Theonine(mg/gm) 030
Cystine(mg/gm) -
Threonine(mg/gm) 130
Leucine(mg/gm) 180
Isoleucine(mg/gm) 110
Valine(mg/gm) 150"

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

HealthIsInReach: Navarro Urine Cancer Test

HealthIsInReach: Navarro Urine Cancer Test: "Navarro Urine Cancer Test

To Determine How Much Cancer You May Have

The Navarro Urine Test was developed in the late 1930’s by the renowned oncologist, the late Dr. Manuel D. Navarro, the test detects the presence of HCG in urine. It indicates the presence of cancer cells even before signs or symptoms develop. Dr. Navarro found HCG to be elevated in all types of cancers.

The test is based on a theory proposed by Dr. Howard Beard and other researchers who contend that cancer is related to a misplaced trophoblast cell that becomes malignant in a manner similar to pregnancy in that they both secrete HCG. As a consequence, a measure of the amount of HCG found in the blood or urine is also a measure of the degree of malignancy. The higher the number, the greater the severity of the cancer.

A score of 50 or above, means, statistically speaking, you likely have cancer.

When the score is below 50, then statistically speaking, you likely do not have cancer.

In addition to cancer patients taking the Navarro Urine Test, even people without cancer can take the Navarro Test to get an early warning that they may have cancer creeping up on them.

The Navarro Urine Test can detect the presence of brain cancer as early as 29 months before symptoms appear; 27 months for fibrosarcoma of the abdomen; 24 months for skin cancer; 12 months for cancer of the bones (metastasis from breast cancer extirpated 2 years earlier).

Currently, many cancer patients take advantage of the diagnostic accuracy of this test as an indicator of the effectiveness of their specific mode of therapy. Patients follow a simple direction for preparing a dry extract from the urine sample. The powdery extract is mailed to the Navarro Medical Clinic where the HCG testing is performed.

Directions for Urine Sample Preparation:

(Note: cc and ml are the same measurement)

1) From an early morning urine (not mid-stream), take 50 cc (1.7 oz.)

2) Add 200 cc (7 oz.) of 100% acetone (do not use fingernail polish)

3) Add 5 cc (.2oz) of alcohol, either rubbing alcohol or ethyl alcohol

4) Stir and mix well

5) Let it stand in the refrigerator in a glass container for 2 hours until sediment is formed.

6) Pour off about half of the urine-acetone-alcohol mixture without losing any sediment.

7) Filter the remainder through a coffee filter or laboratory filter paper.

8) Leave filter out in a secure place to dry.

9) Fold and wrap in aluminum foil.

10) Send “Dry Urine Sample” by “Priority Mail International” directly to the Philippines. It costs about $25 to send your dry urine sample by Priority Mail International and takes about 5-6 days to get there. If you include your e-mail address with the sample, you will get the results in about 7 days. Without the email address allow 4-6 weeks for test result delivery. Fed Ex costs over $47 and regular mail takes forever.

11) Along with your “Dry Urine Sample” include a copy of the $50 money order or cashier’s check you have sent to the U.S. address below (see “Directions for Payment of Urine Test” below) along with your name, address, e-mail address, sex, age and a brief clinical history and/or diagnosis.

12) Precaution: No sexual contact for 12 days for female patients before collecting the urine sample. For males, no sexual contact for 18-24 hours before collecting the urine sample. DO NOT SEND URINE IF THE PATIENT IS PREGNANT

Mail Dry Urine Sample to:

Navarro Medical Clinic

Dr. Efren Navarro

3553 Sining Street

Morningside Terrace

Santa Mesa, Manila Philippines 1016

011-(632) 714-7442

Directions for Payment of Urine Test:

Send $50 for the test to the U.S. address below:

Erlinda N. Saurez

631 Peregrine Drive

Palatine, IL 60067-7005"

Cancer-Free Newsletter, September 11th, 2006

Cancer-Free Newsletter, September 11th, 2006: "Home
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CANCER-FREE Newsletter
September 11th, 2006


Cancer Workshop in Asheville, September 15th, 2006
HCG Test Poll Results
Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know About Ph


**** Cancer Foundation For Single Parents
**** FDA Plans Your Future

Welcome to this 100th issue of my newsletter. Over a year's worth of past issues are available at this web site. Just click on the 'Newsletter Archive' link on the left of the screen.

Also, check out the Cancer Success Forum. You'll find lots of information on cancer-related subjects. Post your question and get a thorough and informative reply. Just go to:


I apologize that you have not heard from me for awhile. I have been laid up with a bum ankle. Today, I finally found a fabulous naturopath who diagnosed it correctly. It is caused by a parasite. I'm starting a thorough parasite cleanse -- colon, kidney, liver, etc. My M.D. had no clue despite ultra-sound, MRI, etc. The naturopath used a fascinating biofeedback computer program that identified every problem I have. There were only a few (an ear infection, lymph system clogged, acidity, elevated white blood cell count, swollen ankle) and they're all related to the parasite. The machine says I probably got it from eating fish. It even named the parasite -- 'Anisakine Larvae.' It also explained the two weeks of 'shedding' about six layers of skin on my foot and ankle that had puzzled me.

Just a word to the wise. Don't accept your doctor's diagnosis unless it makes sense. He told me it was caused by a blood clot -- and used words like 'phlebitis,' 'thrombosis,' 'peripheral vein inflammation,' etc. None of those tracked with the symptoms I was having and didn't make sense to me. I'm delighted to know what it is and am starting on my cleansing program today. By the way, I'm using the one from Dr. Larry Clapp's book 'Prostate Health in 90 Days.' It's the best one I've seen.


Cancer Workshop in Asheville, September 15th, 2006

The August workshop I had planned on the 18th had to be postponed until my ankle got better. It's now better so I will be doing the workshop this Friday, September 15th.

Those of you within traveling distance of Asheville, North Carolina may want to attend. Entitled 'Beating Cancer - Gently,' this workshop has proven very popular here and around the country. I will explain what I believe cancer is and how to treat it successfully. The treatment also works for prevention, not just of cancer. Not surprisingly, a sound prevention routine prevents all degenerative conditions.

The workshop is free, as always. I do take up a 'love offering' for Linda Myers, the wonderful lady who owns the facility where I present these workshops. It is located at 329 Merrimon Ave. in Asheville (about one mile North of I-240 on the right side of Merrimon). We start at 7:00 PM. We finish at 9:00 PM and I always reserve at least 40 minutes for questions, some of which I can usually answer. Hope to see you there.


HCG Test Poll Results

You may recall that on August 10th, I sent you an e-mail asking for some information on your experience with the HCG Urine Cancer Test from the Navarro Clinic in The Philippines. Many of you did just that. My idea was to determine if the results from this test were helping you establish a trend showing the effectiveness of your cancer treatment.

I got quite a variety of responses. First, I heard from Dr. Navarro who said that most of the results for cancer patients were in the '50's or 60's.' He said the exceptions were a few testicular cancer patients where the results would be over 1,000. He said the test did not necessarily correlate with the staging (I through IV) of any cancer. They are useful, he said, as a 'trend indicator.' He recommends getting the tests at least 8 weeks apart.

He also said 'False positive tests can be caused by steroidal medication or other hormonal medication, contamination by soap or other detergent or blood contamination of the urine. In 30% of diabetics with no cancer, a positive result may occur for which the explanation is not known. Patients with no cancer who smoke may also have positive results. Patients with strong family history [of cancer] but with no evidence of cancer can also have a positive reading.

My late father and I ascribe to the metabolic regimen that you espouse. Personally, of which I have been asked many times, I don't want to be treated with chemotherapy or radiation and will instead opt for the metabolic holistic regimen.'

Many of you will remember Mauris Emeka, the cancer survivor from Washington state who has written two cancer books. In my July 30th, 2005 newsletter you can read some comments by Mauris on the HCG test. This time Mauris sent me a detailed account of his use of this test. I want to quote his e-mail because I think it will answer many of the questions I have received about this test. Here it is:

'Hi Bill, This is Mauris Emeka, author of 'Fear Cancer No More,' copyright 2002, and 'Cancer's Best Medicine,' copyright 2004. Thanks so very much for the work you're doing.

I'm very familiar with Dr. Navarro's HCG Urine Test. In the fall of 2004 I began experiencing occasional pain in the prostate area, my urine flow was constricted and sometimes painful. On September 18,2004 I sent a urine sample to Dr. Navarro in The Phillipines, and few days later I received the results of 54 (plus or minus 4). Dr. Navarro indicated that the results was in the positive range. Needless to say, this was cause for some concern. I started eating apricot kernels daily, about 5 to 10 a day. Then around November 10, 2004 I sent in another urine specimen; the results came back a few days later and it was still at 54 (plus or minus 4). I continued eating the apricot kernels, and around mid November I began eating 40 to 50 of them everyday (I would eat about 15 about the time of each meal and I continued that regimen until around late March 2005). Meanwhile, my symptoms of painful urine, etc. went away sometime around January 2005. I sent off a third urine sample to Dr. Navarro on January 7th. The results came back a few days later showing a reading of 51.4 (plus or minus 4). That was encouraging, so I continued the apricot kernels, 40 to 50 a day, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables (especially papaya and enzyme rich papaya seeds). I sent off a fourth and final urine sample to Dr. Navarro on May 24, 2005, and the results came back as 49.8 (plus or minus 3). I found this last test results to be very encouraging. I stopped the high number of apricot kernels around late March, and started eating 5 to 10 a day. I still eat 5 to 10 apricot kernels almost every day, and I eat lima beans and black eye peas (cooked with turmeric, garlic, and ginger) several times a week because these legumes also contain the nitriloside substance that's found in such abundance in apricot kernels that has been found to destroy cancer cells. I am pleased to say that today I have NO symptoms of prostate problems.

Mauris Emeka'

Thank you, Mauris. Several of you who sent me the results of your first two tests (6 to 8 weeks apart) were concerned that the number did not change. As you can see from Mauris' account, patience is necessary. The results may not change much in the first 3-4 months. Also, a number which stays constant is encouraging. It means the cancer is not spreading.

Also, please note that these test results always give you a number with the range of error of 'plus or minus four.' So, even though the number may include 'tenths' (e. g. 51.4), the only significance is the trend.

Dan sent me a spread sheet showing his history of prostate testing over the last six years. This included 5 HCG Urine tests starting in September, 2000. They ranged from 52.3 to 78.0. The most recent one was in November, 2005. It was 59.0. There was no correlation at all with his PSA tests. During the whole six year period, he indicated that his overall health was 'Good.' I could conclude nothing about the validity of the HCG test from his results. Of course, we know the PSA test is unreliable and affected by many extraneous factors. During this time, Dan also had several other tests -- sonograms, MRIs and biopsies. All were essentially negative.

In December, 2005, after his last HCG Urine test, Dan had his mercury amalgam fillings removed by a 'holistic' dentist. Three days later a 'Heavy Metals Fecal Test' showed high in Mercury, Beryllium, Copper, Nickel and Platinum. Two months later, the same test showed the Mercury reduced to 'minimums.' Did the heavy metal affect the HCG test results? Who knows?

Rita sent me her results, as follows:

August 20th, 2005: 59.0 March 29th, 2006: 56.0 June 10th, 2006: 55.0

This looks like the kind of trend I would expect if someone were following something like the regimen in my book. Note that it took Rita's numbers almost ten months to come down four points.

Carolyn had four tests, as follows:

June 21st, 2004: 64.5 (she had a definite case of breast cancer with mets to the lymph nodes at this point) February 5th, 2005: 60.1 (she had followed a strict diet regimen for several months) October 2nd, 2005: 61.2 (she had used black salve treatments prior to this test) May 25th, 2006: 58.0 (she had followed my regimen -- less Heart Plus -- for several months prior to this test. She also had some 'dental work' done in early 2006) Ann had two results, as follows:

June 23rd, 2006: 56.0 July 29th, 2006: 57.0 CAT and PET scans in May 2006 showed cancer in lung (one spot) and liver (two spots)

John gave me this account:

'I had a Navarro test done on 6/23/06 and the reading was 54. I had another one done on 7/29/06 and it read 55. In between this time I have changed my diet, joined a health club, go the the vibe machine everyday, take about 100 pills a day, etc,. I weighed 163 before I bought your e-book, now weigh 139 as of yesterday. My doctor in Dallas says that my ideal weight should be 136. I am close to that. I am losing most of my body fat, am gaining muscle, and feel as if I never had cancer, BUT it is still there. I feel very good physically, and look much better. Once again, after my resection of my colon, I had no idea that I still had cancer. (No physical effects and none to this day.) I feel better than I have in years, weigh less than I have in probably 40 years, and hopefully on the road to recovery.'

Harold had three tests, as follows:

June 10th, 2006: 57.0 July 5th, 2006: 57.0 August 9th, 2006: 57.0

He says he was following the regimen in my book, but felt some pain in his liver.

So, Conclusions? Cancer patients can go for years feeling good with their HCG Test reading in the 50's. Cancer tumors are frequently stable. Thus, a 'trend' doesn't always occur, regardless of the treatment. In some cases (Mauris Emeka, for example) both the tumor and the symptoms can disappear as the test results come down. The test seems to be a good way to get an inexpensive reassurance that your 'level of cancer cells' is not growing and the cancer is not spreading (metastasizing), even though the numbers may not come down. I had hoped for more conclusive results. C'est la vie.

For those of you to whom the above information sounds like Greek, you may want to read the article 'Update On The Navarro Urine Cancer Test.' You'll find it in my July 19th, 2005 newsletter at:


My wife, Terry, and I will get our second tests this week. We'll give you the results in the next newsletter.


Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About pH

Most of us have read something about the acid/alkaline balance in the body. This is measured usually by a test of either the urine or saliva or both. The problem has been, at least for me, having a good picture of where the pH SHOULD be at various times of the day. If that's been bothering you, here's some help.

Marina Kuran sent me this great, comprehensive web site on pH. I'm not going to try to summarize it. Just read it if you're interested in this subject. It is the most thorough set of information on this subject I've seen anywhere. Here's the web site:





Here is a great resource for single parents with cancer. Tami Finseth, who runs this Foundation, is both a cancer survivor and a single Mom. Her organization, which she calls Grace Uncharted, is set up to provide financial, emotional, physical, spiritual and educational support to single parents who are battling cancer. Bravo, Tami! Just go to:




Once again, Mike Adams has featured a great article on the FDA at his News Target web site. If you think things at the FDA are not getting worse by the day, you better read this article.



I have a lot more I'd like to cover -- some great information from a reader in Finland on Essiac Tea studies in China. And an exciting new product called Avemar. But they'll have to wait for the next newsletter. Enough for now. But don't forget my bribe. Send me your story about your cancer experience -- good, bad or neutral -- and I'll send you a free copy of my e-book 'Cancer-Free.' Your story may help many other people. Just let me know if you want me to include your name or e-mail address when I publish it in the newsletter. I will certainly respect your privacy.

Do your friends a favor and send them to my web site:


Be well!

Bill Henderson
Author, 'Cure Your Cancer' and 'Cancer-Free'
E-mail: cancer-free@charter.net


Although many alternative medical treatments have been successfully used for many years, they are currently not practiced by conventional medicine and are therefore not 'approved' and legal (in some States) for medical professionals to prescribe for their patients, although it is legal for individuals to use them at their own discretion. It therefore becomes necessary to include the following disclaimer:

The offerings made by this publication are to be carefully considered by the user. All responsibility regarding the use of alternative treatments rests with the patient. If you have doubts regarding these things, rely on your conventional doctor."



How To Determine How Much Cancer You Have

How To Determine How Much Cancer You Have

Monday, September 28, 2009


Orchiectomy in treatment of metastatic prostate cancer

Posted Sep 17 2008 1:54pm


Certainly until the mid- and perhaps even the late 1980s there was no doubt whatsoever that orchiectomy was the gold standard for the hormonal treatment of metastatic prostate cancer.
By carrying out the surgical removal of a man’s testes, the physician was able to completely shut down the synthesis of testosterone, thus removing testosterone stimulation of prostate cancer growth and alleviating (for a while) the symptoms of progression of the disease, particularly bone pain. However, orchiectomy, like other forms of hormone therapy, was never shown to extend survival of men with metastatic prostate cancer evident on a bone scan.

What Are the Advantages of Orchiectomy?

First, it is a single, simple, surgical procedure with a very low risk of problems and 100 percent efficacy.
Second, it can be carried out in ways which are not physically evident. In other words, it is possible to carry out what is known as a subcapsular orchiectomy, in which the cores of the two testes are removed while the capsules remain in the scrotum. This means that the man still appears to be an “intact” male.

What are the Side Effects of Orchiectomy?

The side effects of orchiectomy are limited to those resulting from the absence of testosterone. These include:
  • Loss of sexual desire (treatable with hormone injections or gel preparations)
  • Impotence
  • Hot flashes similar to those in menopausal women, controllable by medication
  • Weight gain of 10–15 lb (4.5–6.8 kg)
  • Mood swings and/or depression
  • Gynecomastia — tenderness and swelling of the breasts and nipples (also treatable)
  • Fatigue
  • A loss of sensation in the groin or the genitals
  • Osteoporosis (treatable with bisphosphonates and similar agents)

What Are the Other Disadvantages of Orchiectomy?

The major disadvantage appears to be the psychological one associated with “loss of manhood.” For many men this loss appears to be all but unbearable. Interestingly, the loss of “manhood” is not usually a problem for the partners of most prostate cancer patients when compared to the possibility of loss of life. However, the male association between his theoretical ability to be able to have sexual intercourse and his sense of self worth appears to be astonishingly strong, regardless of the truth about his actual level of sexual activity and/or capability.
The other disadvantage is that the procedure is not reversible. However, since cases of complete remission of advanced prostate cancer are almost completely unheard of and certainly not well documented, it would appear that the need for reversing this operation is about as close to zero as one can get!

Is Orchiectomy Becoming More Common Again?

During the 1990s and the first few years of the 21st Century here in America, the use of orchiectomy declined precipitously compared to the use of other forms of hormone therapy (most notably the use of the LHRH agonists). However, in the last couple of years, there seems to have been a gradual increase in the use of orchiectomy again.
A variety of suggestions have been made as to why this is the case. Frankly, most of the likely reasons seem to revolve around financial issues:
  • In the 1990s, urologists were able to bill Medicare for administering LHRH agonists at costs significantly higher than the office acquisition cost. In other words, they were able to make a significant profit each time they gave an LHRH agonist injection. This may well have encouraged them to preferentially recommend LHRH agonist treatment to their patients as compared to orchiectomy.
  • In 2005 this practice came to an end when Medicare set a flat reimbursement rate for the LHRH agonists that no longer made it possible for urologicts to profit in this way. And the use of orchiectomy started to rise again.
  • In addition, legal cases were brought against some physicians and two major pharmaceutical companies for defrauding Medicare in the way that the LHRH agonists were marketed and the physicians sought Medicare reimbursement for clinical use of free drug “samples.”
  • Finally, as we have noted above, orchiectomy is simply less expensive than LHRH therapy. For many patients today the co-pay required for treatment with an LHRH agonist for a year is simply not worth the cost compared to the simplicity of orchiectomy.

Some Things to Think About

If you are unfortunate enough to have advanced prostate cancer, we know that at present there is no cure for your disease. Orchiectomy (especially subcapsular orchiectomy, which allows the patient to retain the appearance of complete maleness) is still a very reasonable option. It is noticeably lower in cost over time than monthly or even quarterly injections of LHRH agonists, and the patient can avoid the necessity of regular visits for injections of LHRH agonists. However, presented with the choice, about seven out of 10 men will still select “medical castration” with LHRH therapy rather than orchiectomy.
It also needs to be understood that there is a very real difference between an orchiectomy and complete emasculation. After an orchiectomy (even an orchiectomy in which the testes are completely removed), the patient still retains full use of his penis, the scrotum is still present, and to all but the closest scrutiny a man still looks completely “male.”
Interestingly, there are rare but well documented cases of patients who retained sexual potency even after orchiectomy. This would appear to be impossible to explain. However, it introduces a fascinating series of possible speculations on the nature of male sexual function.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Urine Test May Identify Aggressive Prostate Cancer

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Urine Test May Identify Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Nick Mulcahy

February 12, 2009 — An experimental urine test is "at least as good" as the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test for predicting which men have aggressive prostate cancer, according to a University of Michigan researcher who participated in a new study published online in the February 12 issue of Nature.

The urine test, which assesses levels of prostate-cancer-specific metabolites, could eventually be added to PSA and other tools for monitoring prostate cancer progression, said study coauthor John Wei, MD, at a press briefing. Dr. Wei is an associate professor of urology at the University of Michigan Medical School, in Ann Arbor.

However, the new study had a small sample, and the scientific approach to analyze metabolites as prostate cancer biomarkers needs further validation and development, he added.

Nonetheless, Dr. Wei and his colleagues believe that 1 of the metabolites, sarcosine, has the potential to differentiate between benign prostate tissue and localized/metastatic prostate cancer.

"One of the main clinical issues in prostate cancer is distinguishing between aggressive [and] indolent slow-growing disease," said senior author Arul Chinnaiyan, MD, PhD, during the press briefing. The inability to do so leads to "overtreatment," added Dr. Chinnaiyan, who is director of the Michigan Center for Translational Pathology, in Ann Arbor.

In the new study, the researchers identified at least 10 prostate-cancer-specific metabolites. Notably, sarcosine was increased "most robustly in metastatic prostate cancer," in comparison with the others, they write. It was also elevated in locally advanced prostate cancer, but less so, added Dr. Chinnaiyan.

Dr. Chinnaiyan's lab has also developed urine tests to screen for prostate cancer that are more accurate than PSA tests, as reported by Medscape Oncology. But the tests employ genetic biomarkers and are for screening, not monitoring, the disease.

The new study is the first time that "metabolomics," which surveys the metabolite composition of cells and tissues, akin to the way genetics surveys their genetic composition, has been shown "to solve a real-world problem," said the researchers at the press briefing.

Why Prostate-Cancer-Specific Metabolites?

In the study, the investigators examined 1126 metabolites across 262 samples of tissue, blood, or urine associated with benign prostate tissue, early-stage prostate cancer, and metastatic prostate cancer.

Of the metabolites that were present more often in prostate cancer than in the benign cells, sarcosine appeared to be the strongest indicator of advanced disease. Levels of sarcosine, an amino acid, were elevated in 79% of the metastatic prostate cancer samples and in 42% of the locally advanced cancer samples. Sarcosine was not found in the cancer-free samples.

In the study, sarcosine was a better indicator of advancing aggressive disease than the PSA test, which both monitors and screens for prostate cancer.

"When we're looking at metabolites, we're looking several steps beyond genes and proteins. It allows us to look very deeply at some of the functions of the cells and the biochemistry that occurs during cancer development," added Dr. Chinnaiyan in a statement.

The researchers also showed that adding sarcosine to cultures of benign prostate cells turned them into invasive cancer cells, suggesting that the molecule may have an important role in disease.

"Components of the sarcosine pathway may have potential as biomarkers of prostate cancer prevention and serve as new avenues for therapeutic intervention," note the authors.

The Future of Prostate Cancer Testing

"Current biomarkers for detection or progression of prostate cancer are not as precise as we would like. Therefore, a more accurate indicator of cancer is of great interest," said Sudhir Srivastava, PhD, chief of the National Cancer Institute (NCI)'s Cancer Biomarkers Research Group, in a statement. "Sarcosine and some other select metabolites may be excellent indicators of cancer progression."

The NCI Early Detection Research Network supported the study, but the Michigan researchers emphasized that their urine test is not a screening test. "We only examined sarcosine in the context of aggressive prostate cancer," noted Dr. Wei. "A lot more work has to be done before it can be used as a screening test."

Sarcosine was detected in the urine, which makes researchers hopeful that a simple urine test could be used to monitor the disease.

Dr. Wei imagined that the combination of the PSA test and new biomarkers, such as prostate-cancer-specific metabolites (including sarcosine and some of the others identified in the new study), will allow clinicians to eventually "individualize" the analysis of patients. "This may allow clinicians to determine — before biopsy — the severity of disease," he speculated.

The study was funded by the National Cancer Institute Early Detection Research Network, National Institutes of Health, an MTTC grant, the Burroughs Welcome Foundation, and the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.

Nature. 2009.457:910-915, 799-800.

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February 11, 2009

Potential role for sarcosine in prostate cancer progression

A very interesting paper in Nature this week looked at a metabolite called sarcosine and how it's detection in urine may distinguish slow growing prostate cancers from aggressive ones. The paper, entitled "Metabolomic profiles delineate potential role for sarcosine in prostate cancer progression", may well be a useful new marker in helping doctors decide when to stop 'watchful waiting' and treat prostate cancer patients more aggressively.


The researchers examined 1,126 metabolites from over 260 samples of blood, urine and tissue in benign prostate tissue, early stage prostate cancer and advanced or metastatic disease to enable them to map alterations in disease state.

Sarcosine molecule from: jchemed.chem.wisc.edu

They found 10 that were present more often in prostate cancer samples and one, sarcosine, appeared to offer the strongest indicator.

"... by profiling the metabolomic alterations of prostate cancer progression, we reveal sarcosine as a potentially important metabolic intermediary of cancer cell invasion and aggressivity."

Sarcosine is an amino acid and was found to be elevated in 79% of the metastatic prostate cancer samples and 42% of the early prostate cancer samples. None of the cancer-free samples had detectable levels of the metabolite.

So how does this happen? Is there an explanation for the phenomenon reported? The researchers went on to say that:

"Androgen receptor and the ERG gene fusion product coordinately regulate components of the sarcosine pathway."

What was also interesting was the finding that:

"Knockdown of glycine-N-methyl transferase, the enzyme that generates sarcosine from glycine, attenuated prostate cancer invasion. Addition of exogenous sarcosine or knockdown of the enzyme that leads to sarcosine degradation, sarcosine dehydrogenase, induced an invasive phenotype in benign prostate epithelial cells."

In other words, they found a clear relationship between the sarcosine and the metastatic invasion. The study also found that sarcosine was a better indicator of advancing disease than the traditional measure, prostate specific antigen (PSA), which is currently used to monitor prostate cancer.


Thanks to Prof Chris Beecher for kindly supplying a copy of the Nature reprint.

ResearchBlogging.orgArun Sreekumar, Laila M. Poisson, Thekkelnaycke M. Rajendiran, Amjad P. Khan, Qi Cao, Jindan Yu, Bharathi Laxman, Rohit Mehra, Robert J. Lonigro, Yong Li, Mukesh K. Nyati, Aarif Ahsan, Shanker Kalyana-Sundaram, Bo Han, Xuhong Cao, Jaeman Byun, Gilbert S. Omenn, Debashis Ghosh, Subramaniam Pennathur, Danny C. Alexander, Alvin Berger, Jeffrey R. Shuster, John T. Wei, Sooryanarayana Varambally, Christopher Beecher, Arul M. Chinnaiyan (2009). Metabolomic profiles delineate potential role for sarcosine in prostate cancer progression Nature, 457 (7231), 910-914 DOI: 10.1038/nature07762

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