Thursday, January 6, 2011

problem encountered after 3 years

CARCINOMA PROSTATE   History & Management
27.07.07 Prof.R.P.Rajan performed bilateral  orchidectomy
Prescribed Calutide-50 for 100% androgen blockade-18.08.07 to 08.1.08 (5Months)
*Calcium-shellcal-1000mg/day suggested from 04.01.08 -
08.07.10 SCAN-Prostatomegaly-enlarged-35.4cc45x38x39mms/Post void urine in bladder.Vol-115ml.-Significance            
09.07.10-Calutide-50 re administered
11/10/10 Vijaya: 4.5ml/sec -60% Obstructive flow & prolonged voiding
To avoid surgery (Channel TURP) now taking (Dutas-T  a combipack of Dutasteride (0.5mg) & Tamsulosin Hydrochloride (0.4mg)               
PSA monitoring:
14.07.07               Bha        92.19    
01.10.07               Bha        0.30                                                                                                      
04.01.08               Bha        0.17                                                        
29.02.08               Lis           0.20                                                                                                      
10.06.08               JVH        0.2ng    
05.09.08               Bha        0.208                                                                                                                    
03.12.08               -do-       0.260                                                                                                    
07.03.09               -do-       0.256                                                                                                    
05.06.09               -do-       0.363                                                                                                    
04.09.09               Bha        0.762                                                                                                                    
06.12.09               -do-       1.069                                                                                                                    
03.03.10               -do-       1.745                                                                                                                    
04.06.10               Lister     2.35                       
10/08/10             Lister    2.05
06/10/10             Lister    1.98 Free PSA 0.28  
07/12/10              -do-      1.850.
08.07.10 KUB SCAN revealed-Prostatomegaly-enlarged-35.4cc45x38x39mms
Post void urine in bladder.Vol-115ml.-Significance09.07.10           Calutide-50 re administered
07/10/10              DRE : Hard nodule in R lobe- Done  Uroflow & LFT tests
11/10/10 Vijaya: 4.5ml/sec -60% Obstructive flow & prolonged voiding
21/10/10 Advised to continue Calutide, Dutas-T for 3 months –Repeat  PSA/LFT
25/12/10 visited Dr. for pain. On return suffered urination with blood and Dr. advised Ciplox-500 for 5days. I suffered acute pain for a day till blood clots evicted through urethra. Suffered  again Hematuria on2/1/2011 for 10hours.
05/1/11 CT Scan: Prostate locally enlarged in size & infiltration in to bladder base. Urologis  referred to Radiation oncologist for RT or Chemotherapy.PSA is controlled.

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