Tuesday, December 21, 2010




The prostate is a gland. It helps make semen, the fluid that contains sperm. The prostate surrounds the tube that carries urine away from the bladder and out of the body. A young man's prostate is about the size of a walnut. It slowly grows larger with age. If it gets too large, it can cause problems. This is very common after age 50. The older men get, the more likely they are to have prostate trouble. Most prostate problems are not cancer. Having a problem with your prostate does not raise your chance of getting prostate cancer.

Some common problems are
Prostatitis - an infection, usually caused by bacteria
Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH - an enlarged prostate, which may cause dribbling after urination or a need to go often, especially at night
Prostate cancer - a common cancer that responds best to treatment when detected and treated early.

Acute prostatitis is a bacterial infection. It usually starts all of a sudden. It can cause fever, chills, or pain in the lower back and between the legs. It might hurt when you urinate.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis is an infection that comes back again and again.

Chronic abacterial prostatitis, also known as Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS), is a common prostate problem and occurs mostly in young to middle-aged men. It causes pain in the lower back, between the legs, or at the tip of the penis. Men with this problem often have painful ejaculation and need to urinate frequently.

Prostate Cancer

Very few men die from prostate cancer. Treatment for prostate cancer works best when the disease is found early and has not spread to other parts of your body.

Your chance of getting prostate cancer may be affected by your:

Age. Being 50 or older increases your chance of prostate cancer.
Family history. If your father or brother has had prostate cancer, you are more likely to have it too.
Diet. Eating high-fat food with few fruits and vegetables may increase your chance of having prostate cancer.

Diagnosing Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer in the begining often does not cause symptoms. As the cancer grows, you may have trouble urinating. You may need to urinate often, especially at night. Some men have pain or burning during urination, blood in the urine or semen, pain in the back, hips, or pelvis, and painful ejaculation.

To find out if these symptoms are caused by prostate cancer, your doctor will ask about your past medical problems, will perform a physical exam ( your doctor will put a gloved finger into your rectum to feel your prostate for hard or lumpy areas), may also do a blood test to check the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level. PSA levels may be high in men who have an enlarged prostate gland or prostate cancer. You may also need an ultrasound exam that takes computer pictures of the prostate. If tests show that you might have cancer, biopsy is needed to confirm this.

Protecting Yourself

Following can be signs of a prostate problem:

Frequent urge to urinate
Need to get up many times during the night to urinate
Blood in urine or semen
Painful or burning urination
Not being able to urinate
Painful ejaculation
Frequent pain or stiffness in lower back, hips, pelvic or rectal area, or upper thighs
Dribbling of urine
If you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor right away.

Treatment for prostate cancer

AGNUS CASTUS - Discharge of prostatic juice when straining at stool.

ALLIUM CEPA - Pressive pains deep in pelvis (in prostate). Pressive pains in bladder and prostate, deep in the pelvis, the next morning and forenoon, after coitus.

ALOE SOCOTRINA - On walking, after the morning stool, many drawing stitches in the anus, more on the left side and forward to the region of the prostate gland and vesiculae seminales.

AMMONIUM CARBONICUM - Hard evacuation, followed by discharge of a milk-like prostatic fluid.

ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE - Discharge of the prostatic juice, with natural stool. Discharge of the prostatic juice, with difficult stool. Discharge of the prostatic juice, after emission of urine.

ANANTHERUM MURICATUM - Frequent seminal and prostatic losses.

Constipation : rectum loaded, faeces will not come away; ribbon-like stools from enlarged prostate or retroverted uterus.

ARSENICUM ALBUM - Discharge of prostatic juice, with diarrhoeic stool.

AURUM METALLICUM - Prostatic juice comes out of the penis, which is relaxed.

BARYTA CARBONICA - Diseases of old men; hypertrophied prostate or indurated testes.

BELLADONNA - Discharge of prostatic juice. Discharge of prostatic juice from a relaxed penis.

BENZOICUM ACIDUM - Enuresis nocturna of delicate children; dribbling urine of old men with enlarged prostate; strong characteristic odor; excesses of uric acid.

BROMIUM - Pressure in the prostate gland when walking. (Walking),Pressure in prostate gland;palpitation;stiffness in front of thigh;weakness.

CALCAREA CARBONICA - Prostatic fluid flows after the urine. Prostatic fluid is discharged after the stool, and after the urine.

CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA - Frequent and urgent desire to urinate, in the forenoon. The water pretty clear, and the aggregate quantity large. The water passed in a feeble stream, occupying considerable time. After all had passed, considerable soreness of the bladder, followed by frequent micturition. Troubles of the bladder arising from overdistension.

CANNABIS INDICA - Excessive discharge of prostatic fluid, at night, during a hard evacuation.

CANNABIS SATIVA - Swelling of the prostate gland.

CANTHARIS VESICATORIA - Feeling of heat in urethra, with slight constriction at the prostate.

CARBO VEGETABILIS - Discharge of prostatic fluid, when straining at stool.

CARLSBAD AQUA - Diminished discharge of urine, with dull sensation in the perineum, and often, during stool, drops of prostatic juice at the orifice of the urethra. Even on going to stool, there is erection of the penis, and with pressure to stool not seldom prostatic fluid is discharged.

CAUSTICUM - Passage of prostatic fluid after the stool.

CLEMATIS ERECTA - Dull transient pain in the prostate, frequently repeated through the day.

COFFEA TOSTA - At close of micturition, a slight milky discharge(prostatic), attended with a smarting or burning sensation at orifice of urethra;afterwards, cutting pains below the bladder (in sphincter vesicae, or region of prostate gland).

COMOCLADIA DENTATA - Intense itching on the scrotum and lower part of the penis, extending to the prostate gland, and also on the inner surface of the prepuce, about noon.

Great difficulty in voiding urine; flow intermits, then flows again; prostatic or uterine affections. Discharge of prostatic fluid. Discharge of prostatic fluid on every change of emotion, without voluptuous thoughts, with itching of the prepuce.

COPAIVA OFFICINALIS - Inflammation of the urinary passages and adjacent parts. It has also been known to cause inflammation of the urethra, retention of urine, phlegmasia of the bladder, of the prostate, the anus, and the rectum.

CUBEBA OFFICINALIS - Prostatitis; the gland feels enlarged to finger in rectum; perineum tender; last drops of urine passed with pain; after micturition, sensation as if bladder still contained water.

CUPRUM ARSENICOSUM - Dark-red urine;burning pain at the orifice of the urethra during and after urinating; white purulent discharge from the urethra;soreness of the penis, with pain in the prostate gland;redness of the lips of the urethra, with tingling and burning;agglutination of the lips of the urethra; perspiration of the scrotum, which is constantly moist and damp;soreness of the under surface of the penis when pressed.

CURARE - Prostatic discharge after urinating.

DAPHNE INDICA - Discharge of prostatic fluid, after urinating.

ELAPS CORALLINUS - Continued discharge of prostatic fluid.

ERYNGIUM AQUATICUM - Sexual desire suppressed, then excited, with lewd dreams, and pollutions; discharge of prostatic fluid from slight causes.

EUPHORBIUM OFFICINARUM - Discharge of prostatic fluid from the relaxed penis. Voluptuous itching on the prepuce that obliges rubbing, with discharge of prostatic fluid.

FLUORICUM ACIDUM - While thinking in a perfectly chaste and pleasant way about a girl whom he considers beautiful, there passed some drops of prostatic fluid.

FORMICA RUFA - A kind of nervous fluctuating and jerking pain in the left half of the penis, in the region of the prostate, very often repeated.

GNAPHALIUN POLYCEPHALUM - Very frequent, but slight evanescent pains in the region of the prostate.

HELONIAS DIOICA - In functional derangements of the prostate, frequent and profuse urination, the urine being very pale and watery, or containing a deposit of the amorphous phosphates.

HEPAR SULPHUR - Discharge of prostatic fluid at times during the stool.

HIPPOMANES - Soft stool, with vomiting and discharge of fluid (prostatic) from the urethra after micturition.

HYDROCOTYLE ASIATICA - Feeling of weight in the prostate gland.

IGNATIA AMARA - While urging at stool much mucus(prostatic fluid)from the urethra.

IODIUM - Hypertrophy and induration of glandular tissue_thyroid, mammae, ovaries, testes, uterus, prostate or other glands_breasts may dwindle and become flabby.

KALIUM BICHROMICUM - Escape of prostatic fluid at stool. Sticking pain in the prostate gland, extremely violent and preventing walking, in the afternoon.

KALIUM BROMATUM - Bathing the parts in ice-water gives relief.

KALIUM CARBONICUM - Discharge of milky, odorless, flocculent fluid(prostatic fluid), after urinating.

KALIUM NITRICUM - Acute stitches in the region of the prostate gland while urinating.

LACHESIS MUTUS - Pressure upon the bladder to urinate with emission of some semen(prostatic fluid), which looked milky.

LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM - Discharge of prostatic fluid without cause. Discharge of prostatic fluid, without erections, with great lasciviousness. Tension and pain in the prostate and urethra.

LYSSINUM - Prostatic juice passes after urinating. Without being preceded by an erection there is a discharge of prostatic fluid, smelling salty and musty; the glans penis is dry. Burning and tenesmus as if in prostatic gland and in urethra; in afternoon. Afternoon: very severe headache; dull pain in forehead, with stupid feeling; pressing in vertex and forehead; dull pain in forehead; sick headache; dull heavy pain in head; headache, with nausea and sore pain around heart; stinging pressure behind ears; ranula, with dryness of mouth aggravated ; stinging in chest, with palpitation; sour belching; erections; itching and burning on corona glandis; burning and tenesmus as if in prostatic gland and in urethra; increased peristaltic motion of scrotum; first hours pain in testicles aggravated ; pain in wounded left arm; pain in shoulder joint; whole body trembles; drowsy; starting in sleep; fever. Burning and tenesmus in region of prostate and down urethra.

MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM - Discharge of prostatic fluid during emission of flatus.

MAGNETIS POLI AMBO - Lascivious dreams, even during the siesta, with discharge of the prostatic fluid.

MEDORRHINUM - Frequent urination with slight burning at the meatus; dull heavy ache in the region of the prostate; very sore in perineum extending to rectum; frenum red and swollen.

MERCURIUS DULCIS - Acute affections of prostate after maltreated stricture.

NATRIUM CARBONICUM - Prostatic fluid passes with a difficult stool. Prostatic fluid passes with the urine .

NATRIUM MURIATICUM - Discharge of prostatic fluid, with lascivious thoughts, without excitement of fantasy or of the sexual organs, and without erections.

NITRICUM ACIDUM - Discharge of prostatic fluid after a difficult stool. Some drops of thin mucus, not stringy like prostatic fluid, are discharged from the urethra after urinating. Sexual excitement, during which there was much discharge of prostatic fluid. After stool, sticking and scraping in rectum;discharge of prostatic fluid;burning and itching in anus;smarting in rectum;nausea;exhaustion.

OLEUM ANIMALE AETHEREUM - Pressure in the region of the prostate gland.

PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM - Burning tearing in the left testicle, and burning in the prostate gland, with frequent erections.

PHOSPHORUS - Discharge of prostatic fluid during a hard stool. Moisture in the orifice of the urethra, as from prostatic fluid. Oozing of some prostatic or urethral mucus from the urethra, while the genitals were relaxed.

PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA - A gurgling sensation in the prostate gland, repeatedly in the afternoon.

PLUMBUM METALLICUM - Induration of the prostate.

POLYGONUM HYDROPIPEROIDES - Pulsative pain in region of prostate gland, occasionally extending along the urethra, continuing for half an hour . Burning sensation in prostate gland. When voiding urine, slight pain apparently in prostate gland.

PSORINUM - Discharge of prostatic fluid before urinating. Discharge of prostatic fluid after urination, but especially after a difficult stool (also almost constant dripping of the same). Induration and enlargement of the prostatic gland.

PTELEA TRIFOLIATA - Felt a strange uneasiness in the bladder and prostate. Heat in the region of the prostate

PULSATILLA PRATENSIS - Frequent erections, with discharge of prostatic fluid. Agreeable tickling on the glans penis, followed by discharge of a colorless liquid like prostatic fluid.

SARRACENIA PURPUREA - Sympathetic swellings, extending from the groins to the knees, with prostatic flux and great wasting, as from decomposition of the blood.

SELENIUM METALLICUM - Erections slow, insufficient, too rapid emission with long-continued thrill; weak, ill-humored after coitus, often involuntary dribbling of semen and prostatic fluid which oozes while sitting, at stool, during sleep; gleet (Calad.). Dribbling of prostatic fluid. While sitting a drop of prostatic fluid passes from the orifice of the urethra with a peculiar disagreeable sensation.

SENECIO AUREUS - Prostate gland enlarged, feels hard and swollen to the touch.

SEPIA OFFICINALIS - Discharge of prostatic fluid, after micturition. Discharge of prostatic fluid with every difficult stool.

SILICEA TERRA - Dragging from the prostate gland forward. Discharge of prostatic fluid with every stool. Discharge of prostatic fluid while straining at stool.

SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA - Prostatic fluid presses out of the orifice of the urethra.

STAPHISAGRIA - Urging to urinate, has to sit at urinal for hours; in young married women; after coition; after difficult labor (Op.); burning in urethra when not urinating; urging and pain after urinating in prostatic troubles of old men; prolapse of bladder. Discharge of prostatic fluid during the evacuation of a hard stool.

SULPHUR - Dribbling of prostatic fluid in long threads from the urethra after micturition and stool. Discharge of prostatic fluid.

SULPHURICUM ACIDUM - Pain behind the symphysis, frequent desire to urinate, and cutting pains when urinating;the catheter met with an obstruction in the region of the neck of the bladder, which, on examination through the rectum, was found to be a swollen and extremely sensitive prostate.

TABACUM - Dysuria and enlarged prostate. Discharge of prostatic fluid.

TARENTULA HISPANICA - Constant sexual excitement, which nothing can control;sufferings of the prostate, debilitating sweats, unconquerable sadness, and stupidity;erotism. Lasciviousness ;constant sexual excitement at the sight of obscene objects;onanism, followed by prostatic sufferings.

THUJA OCCIDENTALIS - Discharge of prostatic fluid in tenacious threads, in the morning after waking. A tensive aching in the prostate gland and testicles. Voluptuous fancies and erection, with discharge of prostatic fluid, while lying down.

VOESLAU AQUA - Increased secretion from the prostatic glands.

ZINCUM METALLICUM - Difficult evacuation of soft stool, with emission of prostatic fluid. Profuse emission of prostatic fluid, without apparent cause.

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